Essay On Otto Frank

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1942, Holland Amsterdam, a young girl named Anne lived with her family. Her life was different than everybody else's life because she was Jewish. Anne’s family had to move to Netherlands, the events leading to World War 2, and to escape persecution in Germany. The S.S had sent a call-up for Margot, Anne's sister, which means that Margot needs to be sent to a concentration camp, her family had to move to a hiding place, with the van Daan family that was Mr.van Daan, Mrs.van Daan, and their son Peter. Later on Mr. Dussel joined the hidden. The eight people lived together is a small area. There they had rules that everyone had to follow in order for them to stay a secret. But in 1944 the hiding place was discovered. Otto Frank was the only person that survived. ...
Throughout the book Anne changed from a optimistic and hopeful child to a deep thinking, lonely, and isolated teenager. In the Annex she was separated from her friends and school, the two things that she really loved. There, her only …show more content…

She followed through about her life, family, friends etc. She was a teenager that was happy with her life, even though she was Jewish. Anne and her family had to find a hiding place. The used an office that had small rooms with an attic. They lived there with the van Danns. So a total of 7 people. With one more member joining in by the end. Because of so many people living at once they had certain rules and restrictions, Anne was being left out. She spent most of her time reading, or writing in her diary. Anne once mentioned “I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able to do in anyone, before, and i hope that you will be a great support and comfort.” Anne directs this to her diary. She really found support in it throughout her life. Because she didn't have anyone the she could tell about what was going on, she shared everything with

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