Essay On Oppression In America

551 Words2 Pages

In a time when issues of race, religion, gender and sexual orientation are dividing The US at an alarming rate, all while the economic struggles for the vast majority continue to grow with each passing year, this article draws attention to the real issues we're facing as a country. It's a long article, and requires a commitment to read, but it's insightful into the ways in which we are manipulated into voting for people and policies that embody the exact opposite of our best interests. A few (summarized) takeaways, for the quick read: Man or woman, white or black, gay or straight, our government has failed everyone but the wealthiest class. Most politicians barely maintain a pretense of representing the people — except during election years …show more content…

But other poor people are not the enemy, no matter how they look, how they pray, or who they love. The hand of oppression has always belonged to those who have money, power, and control. Did slave owners care about the white indentured servants they pitted against African slaves, or did they just want to ensure they didn't rise up together, to make sure there was a steady supply of cheap labor? Did Ronald Reagan care about poor white people when he trotted out the fictional 'welfare queen', or did he just need support from the people to cut a program that helped the poor? Do wealthy elites and politicians care about poor and middle class people when they send them off to war, buying or bribing their way out of service, or are they busy crunching numbers for the anticipated profits? We must stop doing what they want: fighting among ourselves and allowing ourselves to be held down by their fear. We must direct a truly united voice against those who, four hundred years ago, created the American Dream and then found ways to hold it out of reach for the vast majority of people. We must join together and fight back against the wealthy elite and corporate politicians who have manipulated us into fighting with each other so we never have the strength or numbers to fight them. We must build a new country that serves all of us & not just that

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