Essay On Opiate Addiction

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To effectively treat opiate addiction (and addiction in general) the medical research community has given some principle concepts what should be addressed within the treatment of addiction:
1. Addiction is a complex, chronic (but treatable) disease that affects the brain and behavior.
2. Medical/medication intervention is an important part of addiction treatment and relapse prevention.
3. Medically assisted detoxification is only the first stage and is not successful in changing long-term drug abuse on its own.
4. Individuals seeking treatment for addiction also need to be tested and treated for HIV/AIDs, Hepatitis C, Tuberculosis, and infectious disease. As well as receive risk reduction counseling for common infectious disease.
5. Individuals …show more content…

No single treatment is appropriate of everyone – This is why consist assessment is needed and the evaluation of the varying CBT, Family, & motivation therapies are needed.
11. Treatment needs to be readily available.
12. Treatment does not have to be entered into voluntarily to be effective.
13. As addiction is a chronic disease, relapse can occur at any point of treatment and recovery. (National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), n.d.)
The current opiate epidemic must be addressed on multiple levels but with the help of the medical science and research community we have been provided a map to a solution for the medical treatment of addiction. We must stop picking and choosing only pieces of the treatment process in order to make it fast, cheap and just hope for the best. If as a society, we really want to help those struggling with addiction, to stop this epidemic, to put families back together, to stop the cycle of babies born addicted, then there must be a commitment made that the process of treating addiction will be regulated and followed like that of all other chronic diseases. Society must be re-educated on what addiction is and what it is not. Addiction is a matter of life and death, a serious public health epidemic and the current solution of punishing those suffering from addiction is not the answer. The answer is more empathic, compassionate treatment, delivered in a manner that matches that of other medical treatment of epidemic

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