Essay On Operation Fortitude

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Although we know about the allied powers victory during the battle on D-Day, there is much more to the amphibious beach assault than meets the eye. Gilles Perrault the author of The Secrete of D-Day refers to Operation Fortitude as the greatest Allies' triumph. Operation Fortitude was an elaborate plan of deceptions strategies designed to mislead and distract the German military forces as to the date and location of the invasion of Normandy. Operation Bodyguard is regarded as one of the most successful military operations in the history of modern warfare. In this paper I will provide research behind and discuss the level of deception and bring to light the implementation of these formerly classified operations. Sun Tzu once stated “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using force, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the adversary believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold our baits to entice the adversary, feign disorder, and crush him.” During the build up to D-Day, June 6, 1944 The Allied nations enacted operation fortitude; codenamed operation bodyguard, the principle goal of Fortitude/Bodyguard was to make sure that the Germans would not increase their military presence in Normandy. The Allied forces successfully achieved this by attacking other German position specifically Scandinavia and the Pas de Calais, equally important was the task of delaying the German Reserve force to prevent and potentially devastating Nazi counter attack. Operation Fortitude was divided into three main divisions; Fortitude North, Fortitude South, and Fortitude South II. A Three Pronged Plan; Fortitude North was responsible for creating... ... middle of paper ... ...s are well known. Its fantastic success must be attributed to the careful planning, implementation and execution of strategic deception. Even after the actual invasion, Fortitude South II kept the powerful 15th Army fixed in the Calais area, helping to prevent them from reinforcing against the Allied breakout, until it was far too late. Operation fortitude is regarded as a huge success, never before has such a campaign of deception been successfully orchestrated and run so smoothly. Operation Fortitude not only allowed Allied forces to establish control in Normandy and eventually break out and move west across Europe. Operation Fortitude and Bodyguard are considered to be some of the most brilliantly planned and executed military operations in history and deserve to be recognized for their outstanding achievements and continued to be implemented and sharpened today.

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