Essay On Octopuses

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OCTOPUSES: WHAT DO THEY DO? Octopuses, octopi or octopodes are one of the most interesting sea creatures in the world. They have been living on earth since 296 million years ago during the carboniferous period, based on the oldest octopus fossil found. Octopuses along with cuttlefishes and squids are known to be cephalopods which are characterized by a prominent head, a set of arms or tentacles, and 'mirror image’ body symmetry. Since they are invertebrates, they do not have a backbone which makes their beak, which is similar to a parrots’, the hardest structure of their body. Aside from having rounded bodies, bulging eyes, and eight long arms, octopuses have three hearts, nine brains, and copper-based blue blood. According to Eric March (2013), octopuses can do things like: opening a jar from the …show more content…

It is just strong enough to subdue its prey. In addition, their ink cannot harm humans that it can be used as an ingredient in dishes like black pasta. But not all octopus has mild or not harmful venom. There are ones who can really harm humans or worst, it can kill humans. One example is the blue-ringed octopus which lives near in Australia. Their venom causes paralysis that stops breathing. Octopuses are renowned for their intelligence and their use of tools. Certain species of an octopus like veined octopus builds shelters from sea shells, coconut shell, or human debris. An octopus enjoys hiding inside a glass jar that they find on the ocean floor, putting what would otherwise be trash to good use. This reason makes them special and important for the environment. Tests have been conducted with octopuses which showed that they both have long and short term memory. These studies have also helped humans to explore the way in which the human brain is able to store memories as well as to recall them at later times. It is also considered in some countries as food or

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