Essay On Ocean Conservancy

536 Words2 Pages

More than half of the people on earth live within 193km of the ocean, but even those who live nowhere near the ocean are dependent on the massive saltwater ecosystem that covers nearly three-fourths of our planet.


Sustainable use of the oceans refers to the maintaining or conserving of the ecological balance in the ocean by avoiding the depletion of natural resources and marine life.

Today’s ocean managers are challenged to use scientific knowledge of fish and replace regulated fisheries with well managed sustainable resources. This can be accomplished by implementing tools such as:
• Marine reserves
• Protected areas
• Strict catch limits
• Introduction of ocean conservancy

Ocean conservancy:
Ocean conservancy works everyday to ensure healthy and sustainable food for populations, it:
• Promotes sustainable fishing policies and practices to ensure the future of both fishermen and fish
This is used to restore oceans and strengthen coastal economies. It helps make fish abundant and has proven to be successful with species such as the red snapper, ...

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