Essay On Net Neutrality

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The internet is a big place. Its importance is often misunderstood, as it connects millions of people and ideas around the world. As such, it’s inarguably the biggest capital hub for innovation the human race has ever seen. Unfortunately, this hub is being threatened; big-name American internet service providers (ISPs) are considering making it so that content producers have the option to pay a hefty fee to let users access their website quicker, called the “fast-lane”. This fast-lane essentially prioritizes content made by large corporations who can pay this fee, and weeds out all the small indie ones who can’t, massively reducing the diversity of content on the web. Fortunately, a consumer movement by the name of “Net neutrality” exists to defeat this effort. Net neutrality is the philosophy that all legal content on the web should be handled the same. Net neutrality is crucial because it allows fair access to the internet for all consumers, bans ISPs from controlling data, and allows a level playing field for innovation on the internet.

Net neutrality doesn’t just protect content producers; it directly benefits the consumer as well. There is substantial evidence in the past of ISPs unfairly blocking certain protocols on the net. For example, in 2007, Comcast, the largest home internet service provider in the US, was caught …show more content…

‘Innovation’ is a rather broad and ambiguous term, but it’s safe to say that when it comes to the Internet, a lot of it comes from the wide variety of content available. The exclusive fee paid to websites, however, can single out small websites that aren’t able to pay it. This isn’t only hurting people related to the science field or political blogs blogs; several musicians and artists have attributed their success from starting on the internet, and the freedom of being able to upload their music without financial restriction is important to their

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