Essay On My First Amendment

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As Americans, we have the first amendment to be able to express ourselves through speech, press, and religion. The Bill gives us these rights, so that America may be a melting pot of cultures. But, this freedom isn’t always respected by people the way it should be. Growing up, I always knew that I had this freedom, but then when I had a few encounters with some non-believers, I knew I couldn’t let it change me. It was time for an uprising of my faith. Junior year of high school was a time where everyone was finally starting to develop their state of mind. Everyone was following their own paths, and speaking their own voices, including me. So when one of my peers was taking it too far, my beliefs went to bloody war with theirs. The spark of this feud began in my Dual Credit U.S History class, when a simple discussion consisted of how Catholicism spread through the early States. I heard rude remarks across the classroom and it caught my attention that my religion was being obliterated by an Atheist. The rise of indignation was rapidly filling the room. Others soon began to join in on the dispute and the matter began to grow out of hand. Days and weeks went by. The nonsense continued on through social media, and then out of nowhere my former friend, Joey Reich, took it a step further and ranted about his disagreement with …show more content…

He “Crossed the Rubicon” by accusing other faiths with false statements. Soon, my standpoint became a direction of righteousness and morals. What was once a beautiful friendship was all gone, just because he spoke against several other faiths. I felt betrayed and disappointed in everything that was taking place. It was at that moment that I knew nothing would be the same between my dear friend and I. I had no choice, it offended me down to my core, and I couldn’t just ignore it. I knew I needed to do something quickly before he could do anything

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