Essay On Munchausen Syndrome

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Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy or MSBP is a rare form of child abuse. It consists of a parent fabricating the illness of their child in order to receive medication and attention from medical care professionals. MSBP is one of the biggest overlooked “illnesses” because it is hard to accuse a perpetrator with it. MSBP is hard to diagnose and accuse a person of because medical files are confidential and take some time to allow to be seen by the justice system. It can lead to serious health problems and even death of the child victim involved with the fabrication. The perpetrators of MSBP are accused of having a psychological problem and need immediate intervention, but in some cases, MSBP perpetrators do not necessarily have a psychological problem. Recent studies have shown that parents that fabricate the illness of their child could just be attention seeking or could be caught in a nasty habit that has acquired over time. Perpetrators intentionally fabricate or make up illnesses of their children and act in the role of a care giver. Many perpetrators do not believe they are doing anything wrong to their children, and can even convince themselves that the fabricated illness they made up is real and causing their child to be sick. MSPB is an uncommon form of child abuse, to accuse someone of this is a serious matter and must only be taken seriously with evidence or suspicion that the caregivers of the child are forging the illness.
History of MSBP
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy has been around since the 19th century. It was first discovered by Richard A. J. Asher. MSBP got its name from Karl Friedrich Hieronymous Baron von Munchhausen, a German captain involved in the war against the Ottomans, he was wide...

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... try to put a stop to it. Health care providers need to be aware of the syndrome and look for symptoms such as elaborate stories of injuries given by the caregiver, symptoms that do not match up to the illness, and falsified or tampered with tests. Accusing the caregiver of MSBP can cause the perpetrator to act out in anger or the form of denial. It is hard for the case to be successful in court without hard evidence, but if the case is ongoing for long enough the perpetrator could be convicted for MSBP and separated from the victim. Treatment for MSBP is only successful if the perpetrator and the victim are completely separated. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy has been a form of child abuse since the 1950’s and is still ongoing in our world today in different forms. It is important that witnesses of MSBP report the Child Protection Agency and seek help for the child.

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