Essay On Mouth And Teeth

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Mouth and Teeth The functions of the mouth, with the help of the teeth, work together to digest food. Teeth mechanically breakup food, in order for enzymes and acids to work it’s way through it. The mouth hosts the mechanical breakdown of foods. The salivary glands in the mouth, release an enzyme, called Amylase, which is used to breakdown carbohydrates. The teeth are usually 32 small hard organs, which are designed with the hardest material in your body, enamel, that grind and cut food into small pieces for swallowing. Salivary Glands As you chew, the salivary glandes release a liquid called saliva. Saliva contains mucous which moistens the food and causes less friction when the bolus passes the esophagus and into the stomach and an enzyme, called Amylase, which is used to breakdown carbohydrates. The …show more content…

The tongue forms the masticated food into a ball-like shape called a bolus. The bolus is formed as the tongue moulds the food with the help of the skeletal muscles. The deglutition process happens when the tongue makes rhythmic motions, pushing the bolus to the posterior part of the mouth, for swallowing. Esophagus Esophagus, made from several ring-like structures of strong muscles, performs a milking and squeezing action. This wave-like contraction of the smooth muscles around the tube is called peristalsis, which is how most of the movement in your digestive system is accomplished. This action pulls the bolus down and into your stomach when you swallow. Liver The liver produces bile and secretes it into the small intestine. Bile, an emulsifier, causes large fat globules breakdown into smaller particles. The hepatic ducts in the liver drain bile out of the liver and secretes it into the small intestine is called the common bile duct. Have a variety of metabolic

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