Essay On Minimum Wage

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The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the consequences that mandating minimum wage on businesses has on the youth workforce, in particular college students. This research on the minimum wage will allow people to contribute to the ongoing debate between the minimum wage policies in California and the significant impacts of raising it. The research paper will be divided into three parts. First, this paper will explain the everyday struggle of unskilled college students competing in a labor market with high wages. Secondly, this paper will analyze the decrease in available labor hours and its relation to the minimum wage. Lastly, this paper will discuss what part minimum wage plays in the growth of unemployment rates. It is evident in our society that minimum wage does not benefit the poor and in retrospect, is actually impacting them negatively. Minimum wage is a term every individual in and out of the workforce has heard before. Perhaps, no one as much as my fellow college students who are struggling to pay off loans and debts while they attend school full time. Minimum wage is defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act as “a prearranged salary level that must be at least met if not surpassed by companies in all employment contracts. So you ask yourself, how does this affect the average college student on a regular basis? From the microeconomics perspective, minimum wage has a number of positive and negative effects on individual workers, single households, and of course small businesses. However, I will be concentrating solely on the benefits and drawbacks that minimum wage has towards the typical unskilled worker in the job market, or in this case the average college student. While the minimum wage buying power is... ... middle of paper ... ...lieve that the value brought to the company by an employee is greater than his cost to the company. Therefore, minimum wage laws have raised unemployment among college students to an all time high. Most people see minimum wage as a policy intended to help the working poor. If some individuals are living below their means due to low wages, forcing employers to pay a minimum wage seems like a direct remedy. However, evidence proves that a minimum wage might not be the best way to benefit the poor; in fact it is quite possible that it is actually hurting them. After the invisible costs employers must incur it makes it harder to expand the company and open up new positions, which in return hurt the chances of low skilled workers such as college students. While minimum wage is on the rise, the standard for the value one must bring to a company becomes that much higher.

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