Essay On Military Helmet

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EE Introduction
The topic in which that I will be talking about in this essay is about the development of the military helmet from the past, on towards the current time and the future of the helmet’s and how feasible the development of the future design will be. The development of the military helmet has always been a large impact on the survivability of the infantry unit, being in which the design’s had to always consider the possible advantages and risks that maybe brought to the infantry soldiers. First sightings of the use of military helmets can be dated back all the way to the medieval era, but as of recent times the dangers that the infantry has been exposed to has increased the need of a better designed helmet which would allow better mobility and protection. This is the reason in which I have focused from the time period of WWI. The research question that I had used to further this investigation is “How has the development of technology allowed for the advancement of military helmets?”, My research is meant to show how helmets have developed …show more content…

The helmets were designed with common steel, meaning the helmet was designed to avoid blunt force, but this design was quickly re-made when the USA had done field research and found that majority of their soldiers had not passed away because of the bullets but rather majority of the infantry unit had passed away due to falls and injuries to the head. This had then encouraged the USA’s military designers to think of a solution to fix the problem, and the by doing so the designers have developed a helmet that is in the shape of a bell. This design had protected the infantry from brain trauma from falls due to its large cavity, it had reduced the indents cause from falls would reduce the penetration risk from

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