Essay On Military Enlisting

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The act of enlisting in war has been seen as an honorable task since the establishment of the military and its different branches. To take pride and to fight for one’s nation is the true meaning of being an American citizen. Like with every decision made in life, enlisting in the military has consequences. The act of war is often unpredictable and many measures are taken into count. These soldiers therefore, entrust their life to the military. However, what most soldiers never take into consideration before enlisting is the fact that a majority of them will be subjected to a form of sexual abuse or sexual harassment. Sexual abuse and harassment that occurs within their own respected military group. These soldiers get in trouble for reporting …show more content…

In addition, having in consideration that the military is mostly made up of males, twenty percent is a high amount of male soldiers subjected to sexual assault and sexual harassment in reality. Victims of sexual abuse and harassment are generally involved in different situations, but according to a study performed by the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, “men are more likely to experience military sexual assault and harassment from a same-sex perpetrator, whereas the perpetrators of women’s military sexual assault and harassment experiences are most often of the opposite sex”. (Street et al). Regardless of gender, these victims are both abused and harassed, most of which deal with long-term effects. These effects can range from emotional problems, to trust issues, and even mental conditions like depression. The Department of Veteran Affairs describes the effects of these inhuman acts as MST, or military sexual trauma. In most cases, victims have a hard time readjusting to sexual acts. With the trauma inflicted by the attackers, these individuals fear sexual contact and

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