Essay On Methamphetamine Addiction

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Does the use of Adderall lead to a higher chance of methamphetamine addiction in adulthood? According to Medical News Today, “...the vast majority of ADHD symptoms that arise in adulthood can be explained by other factors, such as substance abuse.”
Out of the percentage of adults that request Adderall due to “adult-onset” ADHD or ADHD that developed from childhood, it often corresponds with Methamphetamine addictions. Adderall is a medication prescribed to patients who struggle with focusing due to short attention span (ADD) or hyperactivity (ADHD). Adderall increases dopamine levels in the brain, which can be very dangerous. “Dopamine, the body’s “feel good” chemical, creates a rewarding effect. Although dopamine occurs naturally, drugs like …show more content…

This then becomes an issue for the patients, especially the ones who have been on this medication the longest, for their brain creates a need for the stimulant thus persuading some to search for other ways get that calm, serene feeling.
Many find what they assume they are searching for in methamphetamines, a deadly drug that can give potential addicts the same feeling they receive from Adderall. Adderall can be used for many purposes; weight loss, athletic performance, studying. The effects of methamphetamines correspond with the uses of Adderall. The effects include hyperactivity, alertness, and loss of appetite. (AddictionCenter, 2017)
Now for the opposing side of this ordeal. A study at UCLA in 2013 revealed that for youth with ADHD, taking Adderall as children neither increases nor decreases their risk of developing an addiction later on in life. “‘We found the children were neither more likely nor less likely to develop alcohol and substance-use disorders as a result of being treated with stimulant medication,” said the lead author of the study. “We found no association between the use of medication such as Ritalin and future abuse of alcohol, nicotine, marijuana and cocaine.’”

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