Essay On Mental Illness In College Students

511 Words2 Pages

Mental illness is a number of different conditions that affect the body, mind, or emotion of a person. The stigma of mental illness, in general, puts a damper on students being afraid of getting help. Mental illness in college students has been on a rise in the last couple of years. Mental illness has become one of many leading causes in college students not completing their degree. Mental illness in college students has a large population who go untreated. Many students are unaware that they need help and the symptoms worsen. If mental illness is talked about more often than more people might be more aware and will become treated. Mental health illness for college students cause difficulties in their everyday lives.
Anxiety is a mental health illness that gives a person a feeling of worry and anxious …show more content…

When a student is depressed the appearance come in many faces. It is easy to hide the faced that a person is depressed with the masking of the face and appearing happy. Being depressed may leave someone with a lack of energy or can cause fatigue. When someone is depressed it can cause a self-motivated person become drained. In depressed state leaves, someone will the loss interest in social gatherings or events. Being depressed can have someone get their schoolwork done and be a little social one day to feeling like you do not have the energy to get out of bed the next. Being depressed does not only affect someone's mood but leaves them unhappy. A person that is depressed can go through their entire semester and something happens and it leaves them with feeling like nothing matters in this world. Being depressed can cause thoughts to roam in someone's head that is not true but feels like reality. Being in a depressed state can last a day, week or even months. Some students sometimes give up on themselves because they feel hopeless and

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