Essay On Mayan Civilizations

572 Words2 Pages

Between 40,000 and 12,000 years ago, hunter gatherers migrated and began and populate the Americas. Over the centuries, these people adapted to the new environment. While most people were beginning to develop complex societies, in between 300 and 1500, three advanced civilizations, the Mayan, Aztec and Incan developed in Central and South America. Each of these civilizations had different achievements including; Maya empire; architecture. Aztec empire; advance capital. Inca empire; engineering, irrigation system and, rail and roads. The Mayan empire was developed into a civilization by 250 A.D. This empire had many achievements, but most importantly, they had advanced architectural skills and writing system. During the Classical Period, …show more content…

In document 4, “As soon as the Incan ruler had conquered any kingdom and set up his government, he ordered that the farmland used and grow corn be extended. For this purpose, he ordered irrigation channels and be constructed”. This was a significant achievement because this engineering technique makes it possible for corn and other crops and be grown on land that otherwise might not be productive.The Inca empire was supported by taxes, and agriculture pays a big role and it. Document 5 is a map that shows the Incan empire in 1565. This map shows the roads and trail with which the government unites its empire in the Andes Mountains. This also shows their engineering skills. As well as to document 6, where a photograph of the ruins of Machu Picchu is shown this provides more evidence of the superior building design and farming techniques of the Incas in Peru. The Incas used fitted stones together and built houses. They also terraced mountainsides and increase the farmland available and grow crops. In conclusion, all three civilizations, the Mayan, Aztec and Incan were advanced and had major achievements. Despite the fact that their achievements are not longer considered advanced since it is common and essential in most civilizations today because the majority of the countries posses these “achievements” such as roads, amazing capital, monuments,etc. Each of their achievements contributed and the world

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