Essay On Mary Maloney Lamb To The Slaughter

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Final Draft of “Lamb to the Slaughter” Essay A pregnant woman has recently killed her husband with a leg of lamb. Mary Maloney went mad when her husband told her that he was going to leave Mary and their unborn child behind. For that reason Mary found a leg of lamb, snuck behind her husband and swung it like a baseball bat against the back of his head. Some people say that she killed her husband by reason of insanity. Others say that she did not commit this crime. I choose to defend Mrs. Maloney by reason of insanity. Before Mrs. Maloney was confronted by her husband with shocking news, she loved him and offered to help him whenever she could. Mary was always looking forward to seeing her husband come home and enjoying his company. She loved how he came through the door from work and how he kept quiet about his tiredness. Usually a pregnant woman killing her husband is no accident, but this particular case is strange because, at first she loved her husband and all of a sudden she kills him. This observation supports Mary Maloney’s temporal case of insanity because at first she loved her husband, Patrick, and then she assassinates him. …show more content…

As soon as Patrick came home, Mary gave him a glass of whiskey. Patrick finished his glass in one swallow. Mary saw Patrick going to fetch himself another and offered to bring , but Patrick told her to sit down. Mrs. Maloney also offered to bring him his slippers but Patrick instantly turned down the offer. She also tried starting a conversation, offering cheese and crackers, and asking if he wanted her to make dinner but he continued to refuse Mary’s offers. This examination supports my opinion because seeing Patrick acting strange made Mary curious. Refusing all that Mary tried to provide and ignoring her remarks made Mary question his every move and feel

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