Essay On Mary Fisher A Whisper Of Aids

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“A Whisper of AIDS”
Mary Fisher delivered her speech “A Whisper of AIDS” on August 19th, 1992 in Houston, Texas. Fisher is the mother of two young children and is an advocate and victim of AIDS and HIV. Fisher delivers this speech in hopes to end the prejudice that surrounds AIDS and HIV. Fisher gives this speech to disprove false stereotypes about victims of HIV and AIDS. Fisher contracted this disease from her second husband proving that AIDS and HIV does not necessarily stem simply from hemophilia, gay people, doing drugs, or from promiscuous activity. Fisher argues that no one is safe from AIDS and HIV and anyone can become victim to this deadly virus. Mary Fisher effectively gets her point across to her audience about the importance
In the very start of her speech she speaks for many when she states “I have come tonight to bring our silence to an end.” Fisher very cleverly uses “our” to be more inclusive not only of herself but all of the thousands who are affected by AIDS and HIV. The speech is intended to outreach the whole country so including all victims of AIDS and HIV behooved her overall impact. Fisher also uses this plural pronoun technique to reprimand those who “[We] have killed each other-with our ignorance, our prejudice, and our silence.” Fisher rebukes those who have discriminated against AIDS and HIV victims and points out that in general human beings tend to be the creator of their own demise. Ms. Fisher’s words were impactful yet the delivery of the speech was not very impression. Fisher spoke with passionate words however she remained monotonous. The speech would have been better if she had showed more emotion. Fisher’s speech evokes feelings of revelation and gives listeners a new and rejuvenated perspective on AIDS and HIV awareness. Fisher’s words and the way she utilizes Ethos to tug at her audiences heart strings and this catches the crowds attention. Fisher was persuasive enough to draw onlookers to her point of view because she used her own life experiences and gave the hard cold reality that

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