Essay On Macbeth's Choices

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Many people believe they’re in control of their lives and they make decisions for themselves; people believe that they have the absolute control with their choices. While the choices we make might be what we decide, there’s still a possibility of others having an influence on our choices. Wether these choices are simply deciding on what to buy, or to focus on our career choice, it’s likely your choices were influenced in some way. Our subconscious can in a way “force” us to believe in a specific manner, leading us to the choices we make. Is it because we want to please the people around us so we constantly change our views to match theirs, or were we ever in control in the first place?
 In the play Macbeth decides to perform specific actions: …show more content…

I believe that throughout the play it becomes apparent that Macbeth is warping into the wills of the others. To begin with, Macbeth seems to have never had a thought of being king and the idea of killing the king would seem preposterous. After the witches inform him of his “destiny” he then begins to have thoughts of the murder (Act I Scene 7 Line 1), would this have happened if he never encountered the witches? Another instance of this occurs before he murders the king; Macbeth has second thoughts about goring the king, but is later convinced by his wife who calls him a coward. (Act I Scene 7 Line 600) For a final occurrence, Macbeth visits the witches for a second time and asks them what shall become of him being king. The witches proceed to tell him to fear Macduff, and after hearing this Macbeth hires an assassin to murder Macduff and his family. (Act IV Scene 1 Line 73)
 Macduff repeatedly has hallucinations of objects or people appearing in front of him. Proceeding the murder of Banquo he believes to see the ghost of his friend at his dinner table, startling his

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