Essay On Jury Nullification

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Is it ever acceptable to break the law? Answering this question leads to the consideration of the following: Should jurors enter a “not guilty” verdict, following their collective conscience, even when the evidence present should correctly lead to a “guilty Verdict”.
Jury nullification is the constitutional power that jurors have to address such issues as fairness, selectiveness and compassion, which would otherwise not be part of their deliberation. Each and every day, there are cases held in courtrooms across America where all evidence points to a guilty verdict, yet jurors decide to sign a “not guilty” verdict. Jurors who make a conscious decision to ignore the Judge’s instructions to “follow the law”, do so because they believe that there …show more content…

For example, in the classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird, despite Tom Robinson 's evident innocence, he is convicted of rape; it was his honest black man’s word against a deceitful white woman 's. Racism held higher ground than ethicality and truth. Jem, a typical young boy, growing out of adolescence, loses all faith in the logic of justice within the legal system, and in people in general. One can assume that if the victim had been a black women and the defendant a white man, race-based nullification would have set him free, no matter how strong the evidence would have been against him. David Thoreau states “Let your life be the counter friction to stop the machine. What I have to do is to see, at any rate, that I do not lend myself to the wrong which I condemn.” (Pg.35).If the government passes an unjust law, Thoreau argues, under some circumstances, one must break the law, and be the one to go against the “machine”, or the metaphor for government. This suggests that when someone is being charged for committing a crime what really should be considered is whether the crime is based off of an unjust law. Thoreau believes that there would be an outcome that would show the fault in government. How is it that government can get away with such wrong actions? Because this is the law, and when Thoreau suggests breaking the law, this is wrong even though it’s going against the wrong

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