Essay On Judy Chicago

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The artist I choose to do my research paper is Judy Chicago. Chicago was born on July 20, of 1939 in Chicago, Illinois. She is still alive to this day and is currently 77 years old. Although her birthname is Judith Cohen; she later changed her name to Judy Chicago. Judy is a contemporary artist who opened the boundaries for women during a time that was mostly held by tight norms and societies outlook on what was deemed normal and appropriate. Judy Chicago was an explorer/ pioneer; someone who broke the boundaries during the 1970’s in favor of women in the art community. She helped question the predominant role of men meanwhile find a suitable role for women in contemporary art. Chicago paved the road for women and made a stand against against …show more content…

The Dinner Party “consist of embroidered runners, gold chalices and utensils, and china-painted porcelain plates with raised central motifs that are based on vulvar and butterfly forms and rendered in styles appropriate to the individual women being honored. (The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago)” Judy Chicago demonstrated that not only those who eat at the table are worthy of mention and praising but the those who set the table and ensure everything runs smoothly and adequately are honorable. Chicago only placed women in her artwork “The Dinner Party”, some real life examples and others imaginary who had been fundamental in shaping the Western World into what it is today. What stood out the most to me was we as humans tend to be self centred and egocentric and tend to not want to acknowledge those who do so much yet are not praised for their efforts. Judy “focused on the development of technique and expression through the process of "consciousness-raising," which recognized female identity and independence through the group's art practice, combining object-making, installation, and performance.(Judy Chicago

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