Essay On Javascript

960 Words2 Pages

Introduction: Javascript is a scripting language, primarily designed for adding interactivity to web pages and web applications. It was developed by Brendan Eich, the language was first implemented by Netscape communications crop in 1995. JavaScript was originally developed under the name Mocha , later it called as LIVESCRIPT. But, changed to javascript when it was deployed in the Netscape browser vwesion 2.0B3, as a marketing ploy by Sun Microsystems and Netscape.. Javascript is totally different from java languages, but the naming rules are quite similar. Client side java scripts can be directly embedded into HTML web pages. While battling with Microsoft over web, netscape offered their client side script over distributed operating system, running a portable version of Sun Microsystems java, because java was a direct competitor of c++, aimed at professional developers. Netscape wanted a light-weight programming language that might complement java by appealing to non-professional developers like Microsoft’s Visual Basic . Before jQuery was developed, the web developers created their own custom frameworks in javascript. This allowed them to work around specific bugs, it reduces the time to work with common bugs. This led to group of developers creating their custom libraries and those were open source and free to use. jQuery is a cross platform javascript library designed to simpilify the client side scripting of HTML. It was developed by team of developers led by Dave Methvin.It was released in January 2006 at BarCamp NYC by John Resig. Over 10000 most visited web pages, 80% of web pages were developed by using jQuery. Now a days jQuery is most popular javascript library in use. JavaScript: JavaScript is a dynamic com... ... middle of paper ... ...To use an external script, put the name of the script file in the source (src) attribute of the tag.You can place an external script inside or tag as you like.
