Essay On International Trade

621 Words2 Pages

International Trade Laws and China International trade is trade between different nations, exchanging their products and resources with each other. As with other theories, there are opposing views. International trade has two contrasting views regarding the level of control placed on trade: free trade and protectionism. Free trade is international trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions. Free trade is the simpler of the two theories: a laissez-faire approach, with no restrictions on trade. In contrast, protectionism holds that regulation of international trade is important to ensure that markets function properly. Backers of this theory believe that market inefficiencies may hamper the benefits of international trade and they aim to guide the market accordingly. Protectionism can be tariffs, subsidies and quotas. There are also lots of rules that deal with the international trade and how to conduct these trades. The World Trade Organization enforce these rules. The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between na...

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