Essay On International Environmental Law

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1.0 – Introduction

Theoretically, Environmental law is a combined term describing international treaties, statutes, and procedures. In fact, it works to control the interaction of humanity and the natural environment. Generally, it may be separated into two most important subjects: pollution control and remediation . Development of international environmental law as a separate area of public international law began in the mid-1970s with the Stockholm Conference. Subsequently interest has progressively improved and it is one of the fastest developing areas of international law.

Contemporary subjects of international fear covered by environmental law include ozone layer depletion and global warming, etc. International collaboration in the system of treaties, agreements produced by intergovernmental organizations are being used to defend and protect the environment. In fact, the documents from the foremost organizations concerned with protection of the environment such as the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the European Union, the OECD, and the Council of Europe are from vital significance. Meanwhile crucial responsibility for the protection of the environment remains at the national and local level. Also, municipal laws and regulations connected to the environment are progressively being required.

2.0 – History

Through history in many antique civilizations pure water has been a major subject. The first environmental rules originating from Roman law rules and were also practical in the Middle Ages in Europe. The recognition that the natural environment was fragile and need a special legal protections. At that time, numerous influences - including a growing awareness of the unity and fragility o...

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6.0 – Principles and Concepts of International Environmental Law

Basically, understanding and intellectual capacity of modern international environmental law, requests not only understanding of treaty law, but also the translation of principles and concepts into legally obligatory rules and implements. Principles and concepts stand for a common ground in international environmental law. Also, it reflects the past development of international environmental law and have deep impact on its future development. Those mentioned terms play significant parts in international environmental law, which the most rapidly developing areas of public international law. In fact, it indicates the vital characteristics of international environmental law, providing regulation and control in understanding legal standards and constitute fundamental norms.

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