Essay On Increased Military Spending

798 Words2 Pages

Military defense spending should be increased because of the need of better weapons, electronics, and with many of the risk that come with the military we need more money because of the risk that are involved. Spending more money for better weapons in the military would be all around really good because better weapons means we can face anything that comes our way. Increased military defense spending would be great because we could make better electronics which can save many military personnel time, money, and most important lives. Saving lives is a big part of what the military is supposed to do. Many people have died for our country but not one soldier has been taken for granted. Military defense spending should be increased because we need better weapons, more defenses, and increased safety. If the military got better weapons we could out gun any army that could come our way or it could even repeal other enemies from an attack. Increasing money spend on defense we could pay for more protection. More protection would mean our soldiers on our base feeling more …show more content…

Those risk being their life, their mental state, and their family. If our military had very poor defenses that would affect people so bad some might just go mad because of constantly being on your guard. Military defenses it’s what we have to defend and entire country that innocent people who just are doing what they have to do to survive live. Many people see America as a threat because we have so many weapons and defenses that it would be crazy to attack or even dare attack us. People risk their life every day and it’s hard enough as it is to survive, but imagine if we had a weaker defense. People would just be another number. Many people in the military have family and everyone puts family first, but imagine not being able to see them anymore because you’ve gone crazy and are now in a crazy

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