Essay On Incarcerated Parents

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Should kids be allowed to see their parents? And what impact will it cause? In a study of a group of kids when asked about their parents being incarcerated many replied with “We’re not supposed to talk about him.” What does this mean? Does the kids have a terrible experience or is it traumatic to even think about them. Visiting incarcerated parents should not be allowed because prisons are a negative environment, the family is widely affected, and it has a long term impact emotionally on children. Visiting a loved one in prison can be a perilous subject. When someone visits a loved one in prison they have to go through a perilous process to be allowed inside the prison walls. This is is the process you will have to go threw; you have to go into a small room, show ID with child birth certificate only if they are too young to have ID, empty your pockets, got through a metal detector, then you get your items back, and through the process the officers examining your atiur to make sure you are wearing the right clothing, if not they will send you away. You are prohibited to wear gang affiliated colors, skirts, anything flashy or provocative (Weil “My First”). Once you finish the entering process you exit the room and end up outside to the front of the prison with fences on both sides and a concrete walkway. When you enter the prison you have to go through another metal detector then you enter a “lobby” some places have chairs or you just stand, …show more content…

A prison visit is very emotional and very stress full for a child. If the child is young enough the will not understand what is going on (Lynne “A Voice”). Only being able to touch a parent for a few seconds can cause them to be irritable and lead to crying. If your child causes problems the officers will escort you out and might not let you come back for a

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