Essay On Importance Of Music

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Music has become a great phenomenon in everyday life. People constantly listen to music without even realizing it. It has become a big role in society today. Yet not much research has gone into the study of music, and why it has a great impact on people. In many ways music can help find purpose in someone’s life. One thing is certain, music can evoke emotions, individuality, and social perception of a person. A simple song, a melody, and a beat can spark up a memory that has been lived before. Whether it’s bringing back old memories or some sort of nostalgia it still manages to produce a feeling. “The evidence is clear that people are able to perceive emotions in music and that individuals generally perceive similar emotions in the same …show more content…

Artist themselves include different melodies and beats to create certain emotions to reach out to their audience. They ultimately want their fans to relate and be able to feel and express some type of emotion from it. Many people use music as an escape from reality, it gives them a sense of peace within themselves. “One possibility is that individuals use music as a mean of regulating emotions in everyday life” (Premuzic, Furnham, pg.3). Regulating your emotions is important because it helps a person with their state of mind. For example, if an individual is having a rough day and can’t hold in their temper, then that can ultimately lead into a problem. It not only affects them but may affect others around that person as well. That’s were music comes in, music can be the factor that calms a person down. It is known that certain harmonies can be soothing and calming to a person and can help them relax. The fact that music can help someone by regulating their emotions seems almost like therapy. It’s almost therapeutic in a sense that many people use music as their own escape, helping them with issues that they may be going through.

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