Essay On Implicit Bias

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Implicit bias has negatively impacted our society, whether we realize it or not. Efren Perez(2016), a professor at Vanderbilt University, defines implicit bias as “an umbrella term for a variety of attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and stereotypes that we all carry to some degree. They tend to be automatically triggered, hard to control and can often influence what we say and do without our awareness” (para. 3). This has a negative impact on society because it can influence our viewpoints on important issues such as immigration, politics, and civil rights no matter how unbiased we think we are. Pérez(2016) explains “our mind picks up on patterns that we see in society, the media and other places and forms snap judgments before we have time to process all the information in a more deliberative and controlled manner” (para. 4). While we may not always view ourselves as prejudice or racist, implicit bias lies beneath the surface of our conscious and affects how we make …show more content…

In a 2016 NPR interview with Mahzarin Banaji, co-author of the book “Blindspot”, Banaji(2016) explains “human brains have a certain way in which we go about picking up information, learning it. If I repeatedly see that doctors are male and nurses are female, I'm going to learn that. But the second part to implicit bias is the culture in which we live” (para. 15). Social and news media has had a profound effect on the culture that we live in. If we constantly see black men being shot by police officers it will have a negative impact on the way we view them. One student at the University of Colorado Boulder says “I may not believe it personally, but I am exposed to stereotypes constantly through media or social networks such as the idea that young black men are dangerous,” he said. “Those associations can have an influence on my behavior even if I don’t believe them.” (Correll, 2012, para.

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