Essay On Igbo Society

534 Words2 Pages

Our protagonist, a young man named Okonkwo, struggles to get out from underneath the shadow of his irresponsible father and become a successful, respected man among his fellow tribesman. That is what drives the story, but the underlying theme is more about early Africa and its individual nation’s roads to trying to become a more modern, civilized society. It covers the Igbo tribes’ resistance to change and their subsequent downfall. Despite the fact that it was harsh at times, was the Igbo society functional? Did it really need to change because the white man did not approve with how they governed their society. Let us take a look at how the book reveals these things to us. It is not easy to determine if the Igbo already had a functional and civilized government in place before the coming of the white man. Their laws were strict and concrete with no room for interpretation, which is an ideal that every law abiding, civilized nation tries to replicate. Their ruling council was made up of elders and they came to decisions as a group, yet another sign of a civilized society. They also a...

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