Essay On Human Rights In Iraq

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Introduction 1. This submission outlines DPI’s concerns in relation to the following human rights and related issues in Northern Iraq: (a) Restrictions on freedom expression (b) Torture and ill-treatment of those detained by agents of the state; (c) Discriminatory practices towards women. 2. DPI’s concerns are based upon Northern Iraq’s obligations contained in a number of international treaties and conventions signed and ratified by the Republic of Iraq, and in domestic legislation, all of which are identified during the course of this submission. Freedom of Expression 3. DPI is particularly concerned by the extent to which the legislative framework in the Kurdish Regional Government ‘KRG’ of Northern Iraq allows for violations of freedom of expression, although Article 38 of the Con¬stitution of the Republic of Iraq enshrines this important right . Article 46 allows restrictions to the right of freedom of expression to be imposed “by law or on the basis of it, and insofar as that limitation…does not violate the essence of the right or freedom”; hence creating a significant leeway for restrictions to be imposed which are not permitted by international law . 4. Iraq is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 (ICCPR). Article 19(2) of the ICCPR entitles “everyone the freedom of expression” including “the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds.” However, the Iraqi Criminal Code No. 111 of 1969 not only makes it illegal, but also criminalizes and unduly punishes, varieties of expression valid under the Iraqi Constitution and the ICCPR. Promoting, publicizing or commenting on certain subjects may receive punishments up to and including life imprisonment. ... ... middle of paper ... ... to go before it can claim to meet the human rights standards set out in the international human rights instruments it is a party to. Reforms are necessary at constitutional level to bring its national legislation in line with its obligations under international law. 28. Investigations must be made particularly with regard to allegations of torture and ill treatment against those who are detained as well as gender based violence perpetrated against females. Those who commit crimes should be held accountable and effective remedies should be provided to victims. Furthermore, protection for journalists should be provided as well as the general public in terms of exercising their freedom of speech. 29. DPI recommends that the KRG improves its stance in regards to freedom of expression, its treatment of those who are detained as well as its treatment towards women.

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