Essay On House Slavery

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The growing of tobacco, cotton, rice, and indigo and the plantation economy created a tremendous need for labor in Southern English America; slavery and indentured servants were great for this type of industry. Slavery was a systematic controlling structure under which African Americans are treated as property and are forced to work in harsh labor settings. Where as indentured servants, Europeans or Americans, signed an agreement and were bound by indentures to work for another for a specified time especially in benefit for payment of travel expenses and maintenance. Slaves were to be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. …show more content…

They come together to get their cotton weighed and get their daily feast. The minimum amount of cotton to be picked in one day was 200 pounds. A white master compelled the field slaves all hours during labor with a whip. A house slave had a better advantage to learn how to read and right over field slaves. They listen to the owner’s conversation and often read things lying around the house. House slaves were able to warn field slaves of the owner auctioning matters and other important effects. House slaves did many other things such as household duties. They also took care of the infants allowing the mistress to do whatever she wanted. While house slaves had more privileges; but being a house slave was not much, if any easier than being a field worker. Selling and buying slaves was considered a business. Town residents generally were very interested in attending and participating in public auctions. Slaves were viewed as commodities. Slaves adverts could be seen all over the town. African American slaves were flaunted separately and in clusters at the top of s wooden podium as auctioneers, planters, traders and curious onlookers watched. At about the age of twelve a child's work became almost the same as an adult's. Slave women in good health were sold for $300 to $500. Healthy young male slaves were sold for about $100 to $1500. Children of slaves sold for $150 to $200 (Black History

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