Essay On Homo Sapiens

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The modern human has only been around for mere 200,000 years. Considering the world is 4.5 billion years old, that’s not that long. Modern humans are known as homo sapiens, or homo sapien sapien, which means “wise man” and “wise, wise man”. Homo sapien sapien is different due to the brain size, which is where rapid development becomes possible. Homo sapiens, as far as we know, originated from Africa.
These humans were hunter-gatherers. This means they lived nomadically, living primarily off of hunted animals and gathered foods. This is where gender-roles originated. Our modern hypothesis for why the roles were this way is because males were better suited physically and had eyes that better adjusted in the dark, which were both very helpful in terms of hunting. Woman's eyes were better for seeing colors which was useful in collecting edible fruits and other plants.
Hunting and gathering worked well for these humans because they lived in small groups. It provided enough food to stay alive, but what it didn’t provide is enough for the very small population of these groups to grow. This is where the human race took its first step into development. The nomadic lifestyle could only support support such a small amount of people that there just weren’t enough to progress and further develop.
The stone age was the next step for humans. Mankind began their rapid psychological progression during this stage. They were becoming smarter. These were baby steps but each small step resulted in a much bigger advancement in the future. The stone age was from before 200,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C. This was the beginning of something big because it allowed them to hunt more efficiently hunt. This allowed for a surplus of food and a surplus of food me...

... middle of paper ... took off.
Many religions, specifically Puritans, took the place of the people who veered away from christianity. The Catholic church had gone sour in peoples mind so they left to these different religions. The Puritans eventually left and colonized in North America. Churches eventually began giving out indulgences. Indulgences were pretty much a free pass to do what you want and have no consequences. The church sold them to whomever had the money to buy them, which made people angry because they had become a way for the church just to make money. The church had become corrupt, and people started going against the church which was the beginning of the reformation.
Because of the reformation, people split away from the churches. This eventually lead to people wanting to widening their horizons. They did this in the form of exploration. People wanted to have more

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