Essay On Homelessness In America

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In the city of Hagerstown, I’ve noticed there are a lot of interracial couples with mixed children. Now, while this may not bother me, I have noticed comments from friends, who say they are accepting of this, but still make comments that leaves one to wonder. I can’t understand why this is still considered to be taboo or unacceptable. Actually, I’m a little jealous, because to me, they seem to have some of the prettiest children. Anyway, I think if two people find a way towards each other’s hearts and find love, it shouldn’t make a bit of difference, or people shouldn’t look sideways at them or make smart remarks about the couple or their children. At the end of the day I see it like this, we may not all be interracially mixed but we are mixed in some way be it culturally or whatever. My Italian friends complain about Irish blood, my Puerto Rican friend complain about being mixed with Mexican blood, etc. I think we all need to get over it and move on to worry about more important issues in this country. …show more content…

I watch how the US sends billions of dollars to other countries to stomp out hunger and other foreign aid around the world. Although, right here in this country people are homeless and hungry. I watch people come to tears when we see tragedy, hunger, and homelessness in these other countries, but walk right past a homeless person in the street just like the individual doesn’t exist. I ask the question, why can’t we end homelessness and hunger right here in our country first? We can’t say we don’t have the resources to do so; it just seems like we don’t want to. Why can’t every man, woman, and child –in this country- have a roof over their head and a meal on their

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