Essay On Holden Caulfield Cynic

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Title The cynic is a constant character in all great stories. The one character that is meant to be blunt and pessimistic, the cynic is depicted as a person broken and hardened by a past of suffering. They are almost defined by their realist attitude which why when J.D. Salinger published his novel The Catcher in the Rye and writes his main character, Holden Caulfield, as a cynic it is almost surprising to the audience on how fantastical his thoughts can be. Holden has a constant stream of pessimistic thoughts and yet he is ruled by the if’s and could be’s that he conjures in his head. J.D. Salinger conveys the universal idea that innocence is not lost in cynicism through Holden’s interaction with the cab driver, Holden’s dream of being the catcher in the rye, and Holden’s idealization of childhood. Holden’s first interaction in New York comes after his realization that he is completely alone and enters a cab. He attempts to make a connection with the driver, Horwitz. Holden asks the cab driver “By any chance, do you happen to know where they go, the ducks, when it gets all frozen over?”(Salinger 60). Holden when referring to the ducks is covering up his insecurity on how he will end up. Holden before he is anything else is a kid and often it is forgotten because of his very pessimistic view of the world. This moment …show more content…

Holden want to save children from growing up or catch them before they fall off the cliff of adulthood. Holden throughout the novel is confronted with harsh realities, so it makes sense that the only future he can see for himself is one that is completely fantastical. This Peter Pan-esque mentality is a defining characteristic of Holden. Despite Holden’s attempts to convince others that he is mature, he is still an innocent child afraid of growing

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