Essay On Helen Keller

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To be deaf-blind and make a difference in society is a big accomplishment. Helen Keller has made many contributions toward helping and caring for the blind and deaf-blind. Because she never gave up, Helen Keller changed the way society saw the blind. Helen Keller was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama on June 27,1880. When Helen was less than two years old, she had gotten Scarlett Fever and became very ill. When the illness ended, she became deaf and blind. Since she was not able to communicate her feelings, helen was often angry as a child. Helen’s mother and father were able to hire her a teacher who was able to work with the blind. The teacher’s name was Anne Sullivan and she was able to teach Helen how to “talk” by making letters into Helen’s hand. Soon Helen was able to construct simple sentences, read Braille, and write. Helen often wrote letters to her friends and family about her life and how she was doing. Later in her life, Helen became a college graduate and wrote many books and articles about herself. Many of the articles Helen wrote were put into the newspaper and she became...

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