Essay On Gastrin Hormone

635 Words2 Pages

Gastrin hormone
The Alimentary tract to do its function, requires hormonal and nervous control. The gastrointestinal tract has its own nervous system which is called the enteric nervous system. This system consist of myentric plexus which is responsible for the gastrointestinal movement and the submucosal plexus which controls the gastrointestinal secretion and local blood flow. (1)
Hormones have important role in controlling gastrointestinal secretions. Most of these hormones have role in controlling the motility of some parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The major gastrointestinal hormones are gastrin, secretin and cholecystokinin.
Gastrointestinal hormones also have role in regulating the volume of the secretions in the stomach and intestine. These hormones are secreted from the gastrointestinal mucosa only when food is presented in the lumen of the gut. When these hormones are secreted, they are then absorbed into the blood so to be transfered to the glands where secretion is stimulated. This process occurs in order to increase gastric and pancreatic juices in response to food entering the stomach.(1)
Gastrin hormone is a hormone that is secreted by Gastrin cells ( G cells) by the pyloric gland which is located in the antral portion of the stomach. It is a large peptide which is secreted in two forms: G-34 which consist of 34 amino acids and its the large form of gastin, and the G-17 that consist of 17 amino acids and it is the small form of gastrin which is more abundant. It is secreted due to the presence of food in the stomach ( chemical stimulus) and by the aceTylcholine released by nerve fibers.
Gastrin hormone has a role in controlling gastric secretion. Gastrin hormone functions by binding on the secretory cells ...

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...alize stomach acidity.
It is essential for the stomach to realease the gastrin hormone so to maintain an acidity of 1.5-2 pH. Although this high acidity doesn't digest the chyme, it has many functions. The highly acidic environment kills most of the microorganisms ingested with food. It also denatures proteins and inactivates the enzymes presented in food. It is essential for activating pepsin so to do its proper function in breaking proteins, and to break plant cell wall ingested in food and the connective tissues in meat. (2)
Gastrin hormone is not only released in the stomach. It is considered to be one of the major duodenal hormones. When the G cells in the duodenum are exposed to large amounts of incompletely digested proteins, they secrete gastrin hormone so to oncrease the stomach motility and to stimulate the production of more gastric acids and enzymes. (2)

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