Essay On Fresh Water

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Fresh Water Shortage.

Fresh water is naturally occurring water on the Earth 's surface in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, icebergs, bogs, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground as groundwater in aquifers and underground streams. Water is predicted to become scarcer by the years 2020 to 2025, 1.8 people will live in areas with water scarcity because of use, growth, and climate change. The problem is humans have shown that they are not sufficient water users which in other words means they 're wasting water. That is just one of many reasons a few other reasons as to why fresh water is a scarce resource are water footprints, pollution, and climate change. If we find a way to efficiently manage these factors we could help preserve …show more content…

A water footprint measures the total water used to produce goods and services that an individual, business, and or a nation uses. In the article "The Freshwater Crisis" National Geographic commented on how insufficient water users humans were and even gave an example of how. The organization said "humans have proved to be inefficient water users. The average hamburger takes 2,400 liters, or 630 gallons, of water to produce... ". This shows that the way to cause permanent damage to a water footprint depends on where the water is coming from and when it is happening and if the water is coming from a water source that is already scarce for example the Colorado River, then the consequences can be severe for the species, and freshwater habitats. Ways the world can reduce their water footprint would be to take shorter showers, not water their lawns as often, reuse water in homes and businesses, and recycle waste water, and that would be just a way to start.

Pollution would be the second order of business pertaining to freshwater security. Without water the world will not be able to move the waste humans produce. In one of their articles touching on the subject of freshwater water National Geographic said "Wherever they are, people need water to survive...the resource is also essential for producing food, clothing, and computers, moving our waste stream, and keeping us and the environment healthy...". This evidence shows that without water as a reliable resource humans waste would not be moved appropriately and eventually would cause more pollution

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