Essay On Forced Assimilation

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In 1928, it was reported that “Most Indians lived in extreme poverty, suffering from a poor diet, inadequate housing and limited health care. Schools were overcrowded and badly resourced.” The parents of the girls from St. Lucy’s wanted them to have a better life and to have a human life. To do so the people from the Assimilation and St. Lucy’s would have to learn a new culture, so they can adapt to their new environment. They would have to have civilized mores to be able to succeed in the “real” world. In a result, they would also have to learn a new religion, they would have to study the new religion and wouldn’t be able to change back to their original religion. The forced assimilation of the pack from St. Lucy’s and Native Americans into …show more content…

The Meriam Reported, “Most Indians lived in extreme poverty, suffering from a poor diet, inadequate housing and limited health care. Schools were overcrowded and badly resourced.” They wanted to take them in and help them, so they convinced the student’s parents that it was for the better. “Our parents wanted something better for us; they wanted us to get braces, use towels, and be fully bilingual. When the nuns showed up our parents couldn’t refuse their offer” (Russell 283) they wanted the parents and students to think they were going to help them become new people, start new lives, and become civilized. “Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) which ended the policy of allotment, banned the further sale of Indian land and decreed that any allotted land not yet sold should be returned to tribal control. It also granted Indian communities a measure of governmental and judicial autonomy. “(Boxer) the people were no longer able to buy and sell Indian land so it made it harder for the assimilation to take in Indians and make them civilized because it was to be returned to tribal control. With the assimilation not being able to buy Indian land, it was difficult to teach a new religion and the girls at St. Lucy’s has trouble

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