Essay On Flu Shot

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Unlike the flu shot for children, scientists have developed two flu shots for the geriatric population. There are two options for the elderly to receive: “the regular dose flu shot and the higher-dose flu shot designed specifically for people 65 and older” (U.S. Department of Health &Human Services, 2014). Though dramatically affected by the flu, the elderly have more than one shot to help prevent potential death by the influenza. Of the two dose, the higher dose of the flu vaccine is usually for people who have extremely weakened immune systems. In an article written by James Steckelberg M.D., it says that the higher dose “contains four times as much flu antigen—the part of the vaccine that stimulates the immune system…” (Steckelberg, 2014). The high dose of the flu shot otherwise known as the “Fluzone High-Dose,” appears to help elderly people …show more content…

Therefore, people likely to die due to declining health, may choose not to get the flu shot. This could skew the statistics of elderly people dying of the flu each year. Melissa Moyer writes in Scientific American, “…influenza only causes about 5 percent of all excess winter deaths among the elderly” (Moyer, 2012). This is a significantly lower percentage than the ninety percent of elderly people who die each year as noted previously. She continues with, “...vaccinated seniors were 44 percent less likely to die during flu season than unvaccinated seniors were, the vaccinated ones were also 61 percent less likely to die before flu season even started” (Moyer, 2012). Essentially, those of the people vaccinated had higher survivability during the flu season, but also had better chances of surviving before the flu season

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