Essay On Fear And Imagination

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People experience fear at one point in their lifetime. Fear is a common emotion that affects people mentally and physically. For example, it can cause a person to be so scared that they cannot even move or cause a person’s fear to overcome them enough that they are challenged mentally and produce erratic and illogical thinking; therefore, overcoming their own morals and reasoning. Fear fueled imagination overcomes reason by changing their emotional point of view, by motivating people to do irrational actions, and by altering someone's morals.
Fear-fueled imagination overcomes reason by changing people's emotional point of view, which has a huge impact on the way people start to think, ultimately affecting the person’s mind. One example of this …show more content…

This shows how fear can be consequential to someone's emotional point of view to the point in which Usher went insane and ultimately died of fear because of how he was scared of his sister and of what she would do to him after he buried her alive. This also portrays the strength of the effect of fear and how consequential it can be to the human mind. Similarly, Another example of this is in “Where is Here” by Joyce Carol Oates, talking to the husband, “the mother said uneasily ‘Maybe you would better go out there with him’ . . . She said, ‘We can’t bar the door against him. That would be cruel.’ The father said, ‘What? No one has barred any door against anyone.’ . . . .’He told me he didn't want to come inside’ the father said. ‘Oh isn’t that just like you!’ The mother said in exasperation” (70). This shows how fear can really alter someone’s mind by how the mother’s emotional point of view towards the man was altered since at first she felt very negatively towards him but then she wanted to invite him into the house. It also shows the extent that fear has on someone's thinking at two different points in time. Finally, in “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe the narrator was “thinking of what this ominous bird of yore-- …show more content…

An example of this is shown in the film “Suspicion” by Alfred Hitchcock where Johnnie (the main character in the film) was so scared of going to jail that he lied to his friend [Beaky] in order to get his money and pay his cousin back so he does not go to jail (56:45 - 59:31). This shows how significant and strong of an effect fear has on someone’s reason and morals by showing how johnnie can lie to his friend which he knows to be wrong but still does it because of his fear of going to jail. Another example of this is shown in the short story “Where is He?” by Joyce Carol Oates, “Wordlessly the father and mother exchanged a glance … how could they get rid of him [the man]” (72). This portrays the fear that is within the parents and how it has changed their morals of which to be polite to their guest into them thinking of how to get rid of him. In this case the parents not only changed their morals, but also did this in front of their children all because their fear overcame their moral and judgement. Finally a third example is seen when people get scared and they physically hurt the person they are being scared by even though they know it is against their morals. This demonstrates the effects fear has on a person and how consequential it can be towards their morals and life. Furthermore, the dangers of fear are

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