Essay On Family Relationships

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Many people may think of relationships as girlfriend and boyfriend or husband and wife but there are many more forms in our lives. People share various forms of relationships in their life with family, friends, and even relations in the business place. Most times the relations that we share are taken for granted and people do not see the value that it holds. Have you ever thought about where you may be in life if you didn’t have support and love from the ones you care about? Relationships are built on a foundation of all different kinds of love but the effort that is put in determines the bond and connection that you share with Gods’ living creations.
Family is a relationship that we are not capable of choosing who it may be but we do hold …show more content…

On my moms side of the family my brother and I are the only grandchildren and the bond we have with her parents is much stronger then the one we have with my dad’s parents who have five grandchildren. Although this is a hard thing to come to grips with you learn how to cope and look at the more positive aspects, at least you have all your grandparents despite the bond you share with one another.
Friendships are a different form of relationship that we have the ability to choose whom we share a connection with and whom we do not, but work is necessary to make it last. Friendship is a relationship in our lives that is commonly taken for granted because people will change the way they see and view people just from a rumor they hear or peer pressure. As humans we tend to lean toward the side that more people agree with or how others are thinking and acting. We have the ability to make our own choices and we should use that to our advantage. Just because one of your friends does not like someone else does not mean you should shun that person and quit being their friend. Many friendships that I have held over the years have not always lasted or remained the same because you feel betrayed or used. Several friends that I have been close with over the years were very selfish and I always found myself caring about them with nothing in return. This is not the case for all my friends, but you can really …show more content…

Effective listening plays a significant role in relationship building along with communication. A common factor in making relationships is communication. We as humans do not always communicate in the same manner depending on whom you are sharing the relationship with. Understanding that both parties have to be willing to give in order to receive is key. A mutual respect for feelings of one another is a building block to developing forms of relations. An example that demonstrates both communication and listening throughout my life center on my Mother and friend Morgan. They both are always willing to listen to my conversations; whether it is complaints, needs, wants or just someone

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