Essay On Ethnic Minority Youth

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The researchers have conducted a literature review of past and current literature about ethnic

minority youth's sexual behavior and contraceptive use and have produced a comprehensive

overview of the diversity among ethnic minority youth and their sexual health/wellness. In

association with disparities in underserved ethnic populations, cultural beliefs, trauma,

power imbalances, community violence and gender socialization are among the risk factors

that have been discussed in relation topics such as sexual health, substance use and

homelessness (El-Bassel, Witte, Wada, Gilbert, & Wallace, 2001). In understanding that

there are multiple intersections of diversity, the researchers will provide recommendations

that propose …show more content…

Other risk factors such as family structure, family income, maternal

education, community income and problems, and school-related problems have been

associated with ethnic minority youth's risky sexual behavior and practices, and health

outcomes (e.g., pregnancy, STIs). However, within the community microsystem, it is

important to consider the lack of accessibility in these areas for sexual/reproductive services.

For instance, low SES youth differ in access to health care/services when compared to high

SES youth (Basch, 2011). In addition, there is a need for advocacy on the macro-level. For

instance, advocating for policies to be implemented in ways which provide optimal

effectiveness (Rhodes & DuBois, 2008).

Several risk factors have been associated with risky sexual behaviors among ethnic

minority youth (Lohman & Billings, 2008). Considering Bronfenbrenner's bioecological

theory, adolescent behaviors, family microsystem, school microsystem, and

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