Essay On Entitlement Mentality

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The entitlement mentality is a large and continually growing problem in present-day society because it leaves people expecting to be taken care of causing strain on the rest of society. This mentality needs to be transformed through changes in parenting, school reward systems, and role models in society. The entitlement mentality has our governmental systems overloaded, causing people who need help unable to receive it. The conventional mentality has become people expecting things they haven't worked to get. A solution to this problem is to start with revamping the way we parent. Ways that we can parent better by not giving in to every want and need.When children are young they seem to have an unending request for things. This may be hard since it is in our nature to make sure our children are adequately taken care of. If you give your child everything they ever ask for you are feeding a sense of entitlement which can lead to problems later on. Parents give children powerful …show more content…

Education is free it is not appreciated as much as it should be,anything just given is worth nothing. Students don't take school seriously and expect to be rewarded for minimal effort. The goal of schools is all wrong the goal for school now is to hold students’ hands through high school with an end goal of college. College, because of this is now viewed as a right and the only way to succeed in this world. A student that goes to college feels entitled to receive a job that pays good money right when they get out of school. They are expecting things they haven't shown, they are capable of or earned. Students feel entitled to this because the school mentality is influencing them. The real goal of school should be teaching students the how and why of things and teaching the basic skills of how to be productive in society. Students not being taught how to be productive citizens are crippling the

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