Essay On Endocrine System

606 Words2 Pages

There are many enzyme-catalyzed reactions that occur in cells through control mechanisms, which keep humans in chemical balance. There are two systems that have a major responsibility for regulating body chemistry known as the endocrine system and nervous system. The endocrine system depends on chemical messengers that flow in the bloodstream known as hormones. Hormones travel to target cells, where they connect with receptors that initiate chemical changes within cells. The nervous system depends on neurotransmitters that are electrical impulses in nerve cells activated by its own chemical messengers. The nervous system counts on a much faster means of circulation. This cycle is what allows drugs to work so well, because they mimic the crucial role of hormones and neurotransmitters in the function of the human body. There are three major glands in the endocrine system, which are the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, the ovary and testes, and the pituitary gland. A section of the brain above the pituitary gland called the hypothalamus controls the endocrine system and communicates with...

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