Essay On Empathy And Psychopathy

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Cunning, seductive, and ruthless represent the enigma in the mind of a psychopath. Unlike common murderers, psychopath feels no guilt, remorse, or shame after committing an inhuman act. Empathy and Psychopathy
The definition of psychopathy is not straightforward because of many factors attributed to the mental disorder. Psychopathy may be caused by early life experiences, genetics, and environmental and influences. Signs and symptoms of psychopathy usually remain unnoticed until the person reaches their 16th birthday. This is because of certain signs of psychopathy, such as shallow emotions, being manipulative, lying, and need for stimulation may be deemed normal in early stages of life.
“A constellation of traits that comprises affective features, interpersonal features, as well as impulsive and antisocial behaviors. The …show more content…

Sociopathy vs. Psychopathy
Sociopaths and psychopaths are terms not found in the official handbook of mental health, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Mental health doctors use the term antisocial personality disorder as the diagnosis to a person who is a sociopath or a psychopath.
Experts believe that these two share similar traits, such as incapable of feeling or understand the emotions of others and lack of sense to determine what is right or wrong. But the key difference between a sociopath and a psychopath is the ability to have a conscience.
According to Dr. L. Michael Tompkins, a psychologist at the Sacramento County Mental Health Treatment Center, a sociopath typically has a conscience but a weak one. Sociopaths may still be aware that stealing is a crime or feel tiny guilt after doing something wrong. They simply won’t do anything

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