Essay On E-Commerce

609 Words2 Pages

E-Commerce: A Customer Revolution
Customers in the new e-commerce generation should expect an experience that is personal, from customer service to products being offered, it’s all about the customer. With consumers turning into retail grazers, an electronic commercial transaction is forced to offer added value beyond just being a distribution point. Customers can and should expect an experience because ecommerce has come a long way in the last 15 years.
According to eMarketer, worldwide business-to-consumer ecommerce sales will increase by 20.1% this year to reach $1.5 trillion. Businesses are succeeding and thriving in ecommerce trends by delivering great products, articulating their missions, and aligning themselves with influencers who can talk about their brands for them.
The Millennial generation, hardwired for shopping, is the driving force behind this retail revolution. Millennials have grown up in a digital world and they ultimately want to serve themselves.
Customer Service
This shift in power from the seller to the buyer is mutually beneficial to the consumer and busines...

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