Essay On E Coi

609 Words2 Pages

E Coli
What is E Coli?
E Coli is a pathogenic bacteria that can be in the intestine of warm blooded animals and humans. It can help break down food in the gut, and allows vitamin K to be absorbed. Its full name is Escherichia Coli, and although many strains are harmless, some can cause food poisoning in humans by making harmful chemicals.

E Coli Structure
E Coli is a Gram negative rod shaped bacteria that has a cell membrane and cell wall protecting its DNA. On the outside of each E Coli cell, there are small tails called flagella. E Coli respires anaerobically, which means that it doesn't need oxygen to respire (breathe). It feeds on undigested nutrients in the guts of mammals, including humans and ruminants such as cows, sheep, and goats.

How E Coli moves
E Coli use small “tails” called flagella to travel, and they spin in an anti clockwise direction that causes them to move randomly. They move more when they are around food, and they both tumble and swim through the body. They excrete toxic enzymes that help break down food molecules from the cell wall so they can get into ...

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