Essay On Dystonia

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Hello again. This week I thought I would write a little bit about the origin of TwitchyNinja as my online persona. This story goes way back, so buckle up for a long ride. I’ll try to keep it short and this may end up being a two part story just for the sake of not boring you guys to death. Now, without further ado let us jump right in. To tell my story I should first start by explaining what dystonia is and how it affects me personally. Dystonia is the third most common movement disorder. It is characterized by involuntary muscle spasms and contortions, or awkward twisting and abnormal postures of the limbs, which are often very painful for the person having them. Dystonia comes in many forms from cervical dystonia affecting the muscles of the neck to multifocal dystonia which affects two or more different major muscle groups in the body. I am very blessed in the fact that my Dystonia, as compared to many other people, is relatively mild. …show more content…

More specifically mine is localized predominantly to my forearms and hands and my left leg. We do believe though that mine might be genetic because there are quite a few people who suffer from Dystonia too. When I was very young my Father noticed that I did things a little differently than other people. Everyone else just shrugged it off and said, “Oh he is young, he will grow out of it.” Looking back after the fact I notice a lot of the signs in pictures of me as a toddler. There is this one picture when I was 2 or 3 that shows me holding my sippy cup and my fingers are in a strange

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