Essay On Discrimination In Health Care

540 Words2 Pages

The World Health Organization defines being healthy as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Unfortunately for races that are at disadvantages that definition has very little weight behind it. This issue or racism is not only apparent in health status, it is also obvious in health care and in current health care research for the treatment and cure of diseases. Therefore, current African Americans are not [FINISH THESIS] One main factor in the fight for equality in healthcare is access to health insurance. In 2012 more that 44 million non-elderly citizens did not have medical insurance and did not have the finical ability to access healthcare. Racial minorities accounted for a large disproportionate amount of that uninsured number. Over 18% of people of color under the age of 65 years old are currently without health insurance. In the United States, health insurance access is often tied to their employer. Due to many forms of discrimination, racial minorities have found themselves placed in low wage jobs. Th...

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