Essay On Detection Dogs

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Another category of dogs that help people is detection dogs. A detection dog is a canine that uses its nose to find substances. There are quite a few different types of detection dogs, but there are two that deal the most with our safety: military and arson detection dogs. Humans have had a relatively short history of using dogs in war. Dogs were first used in World War II (Weiss-Roessler 3). The United States alone used 12,000 dogs during World War II (Coren 203). From then on, dogs were not used in large quantities until 1989 in Afghanistan (Weisbord & Kachanoff 16). Military dogs have had a exceptional history. It is estimated that 10,000 lives were saved during the Vietnam War due to military dogs (Coren 209). There are a few different tasks that dogs can preform in wars. Dogs can be “scouts, sentries, trackers, and bomb detectors, and also help improve troop morale” (Weiss-Roessler). They can act as scouts by walking ahead of the troops with cameras and microphones on them so that their …show more content…

Specifically for dogs that recognize high and low blood sugar they are in foster homes from birth until they are given to someone who needs their help. When they are forty-nine days old, these dogs are given a scent recognition test along with a personality and obedience test. Once they have passed these tests, they are entered into an obedience class and are given to their families at about eleven weeks old (Castaldo 129). There are different programs for each type of service dog, such as NEADS, which is the oldest hearing dog program in the United States and it has over one thousand dogs (Ascher-Walsh 129). The most popular breed of service dogs is Labrador Retrieves due to their friendly nature, however Golden Retrievers are also common (Ascher- Walsh 61-67). Just being around a dog can be beneficial to a person’s

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